


Boosting Ethiopian Coffee Production with Dimitra’s Technology

Deep in Ethiopia, something big is happening — a quiet revolution. Dimitra’s innovative agricultural technology is partnered with 12 local coffee unions to empower over 1.2 million farmers across hundreds of cooperatives and communities. By combining cutting-edge technology with hands-on support, Dimitra is transforming how coffee is grown, sold, and enjoyed.

Tech at the Root of Change

The combined power of blockchain and artificial intelligence is fueling this revolutionary change. These technologies are more than just trendy phrases bandied about in tech circles; they’re tangible, real-world solutions that are revolutionizing industries and improving lives.

  • Blockchain for Transparency: Imagine a digital ledger that tracks every step of your coffee’s journey, from bean to cup. That’s blockchain in action. It ensures the coffee you buy is authentic, ethically sourced, and meets strict quality standards. This transparency builds trust and opens doors to premium markets.
  • AI for Smarter Farming: Think of AI as a farmer’s personal assistant. It analyzes data from the field, suggesting the best times to plant, how much to water, and when to harvest. This leads to healthier plants, bigger yields, and a lighter environmental footprint.

Empowering Farmers, One Step at a Time

Dimitra’s commitment goes beyond technology. They understand that real change happens when farmers have the knowledge and confidence to succeed.

  • Training and Workshops: Regular training sessions equip farmers with the skills they need to embrace new technologies. It’s like learning a new language, but instead of grammar, it’s blockchain and AI.
  • Easy-to-Use Resources: Dimitra provides user-friendly guides and tutorials, making technology accessible to everyone, regardless of their tech background.
  • Ongoing Support: A dedicated team is always on hand to answer questions, troubleshoot problems, and ensure farmers get the most out of the technology.

Dimitra’s Reach in Ethiopia

Dimitra’s extensive network spans 12 coffee unions, connecting with over 1.3 million smallholder coffee producers and reaching 1,145 cooperatives spread throughout diverse regions. This vast coverage encompasses over two million hectares of coffee-producing land, resulting in an estimated yield of over one million tons. By supporting these smallholder producers, Dimitra plays a vital role in sustaining the livelihoods of their families and communities, ultimately contributing to the global coffee supply.

Empowering Farmers with Cutting-Edge Technology

Dimitra’s comprehensive suite of tools, including blockchain technology, advanced data analytics, and AI-driven insights, is available to every farmer within our network. This technology ensures complete traceability and transparency throughout the supply chain, helping farmers certify their organic and fair trade coffee, increasing market value, and opening access to international markets. This can improve farmer incomes and support community development for over 300K coffee farmers across cooperatives in the Limu Inara Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative Union and the Jorgo Birbir Multipurpose Farmers’ Cooperative Union.

Enhancing Quality and Productivity

By leveraging Dimitra’s technology, farmers within cooperatives such as Keta Muduga Multipurpose Farmers’ Union and Sorgaba can monitor soil health, optimize farming practices, and enhance crop quality. This collective boost in productivity and quality has the potential to support various community projects by increasing overall income, fostering educational and healthcare initiatives, and promoting social development.

Teklu Hailu, representing Keta Muduga Coffee Union stated, “Dimitra’s blockchain technology has given us unprecedented visibility into our supply chain, ensuring that our coffee reaches global markets with verifiable quality and ethical sourcing.”

Supporting Environmental Sustainability

Environmental monitoring tools provided by Dimitra help farmers within cooperatives like the Ethiopia Kefa Forest Coffee preserve biodiversity and promote eco-friendly farming practices. This dual focus on sustainability and transparency can enhance both farmer incomes and conservation efforts, benefiting the entire community.

Facilitating Community Development

Dimitra’s comprehensive farm management software aids cooperatives like Jimma Coop Union and Cher-Cher Oda Bultum Farmers’ Cooperative Union in diversifying income sources and improving infrastructure. These improvements, supported by efficient farming practices enabled by our technology, could enhance the quality of life for cooperative members and their families through educational, healthcare, and social development projects.

A spokesperson from the Jimma Multipurpose Farmers’ Cooperative Union commented, “Dimitra’s technology allows us to maintain precise records and transparency, which has greatly increased trust among our international buyers.”

A Brighter Future for Ethiopian Coffee

Through Dimitra’s support, cooperatives across Ethiopia have seen improvements in traceability, product quality, and market access. These advancements could lead to new opportunities and increased revenues, directly benefiting farmers and their communities.

Dimitra’s commitment to Ethiopian cooperatives is rooted in our belief that sustainable agriculture is key to a prosperous future. By leveraging advanced technology and fostering strong partnerships, we are helping farmers increase productivity, enhance coffee quality, and improve their livelihoods.

Visit dimitra.io to learn more about our projects and how you can get involved.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


The Rumble of Kerinci Coffee: When Women Lead Data-Driven Agricultural Transformation

Dimitra Kerinci Coffee – Amidst the challenges of Indonesia’s agro maritime sector, an inspiring story emerges from Kerinci, Jambi. The ALKO coffee farming community has proven that innovation and empowerment can change the face of traditional agriculture.

ALKO’s cooperative model places farmers as the main shareholders, and has succeeded in improving the welfare of its members through fair prices, dividend distribution and a spirit of collaboration.

More interestingly, ALKO has become a magnet for the highly educated young generation, including women. One of them is Puput Sari Puspita, a law graduate who is now leading the data-based transformation of coffee plantations at ALKO.

In a short time, Puput succeeded in implementing the Dimitra Connected Coffee Traceability platform. Together with her team, Puput carries out farmer data collection, land mapping and regular production records. Puput’s obsession with data and blockchain technology opens up new opportunities for him and other young colleagues to build a data-based Indonesian coffee industry.

Header – Dimitra Kerinci Coffee

Puput and her colleagues proved that the technology can be applied even in remote areas, such as in the village of Kayu Aro in the fertile Kerinci volcanic valley, which is a 10-hour drive from the nearest provincial capital. Puput has been successfully utilizing the Dimitra Connected Coffee Traceability platform, which enables farmer data collection, land mapping and regular production recording. Slowly but surely, the coffee farming community, whose members are 40% women, will understand the concepts of traceability, deforestation and blockchain. Puput and her colleagues are on a data-driven farming mission to help us all face climate change and start building real carbon savings.

ALKO believes that data is the key to increasing marketing value, helping farmers deal with climate change, and benefit from carbon sequestration. ALKO targets traceability for all their partner coffee cooperatives in eleven provinces in Indonesia. They also do not hesitate to provide blockchain-based deforestation information and EUDR due diligence documents to all their buyers/importers.

The collaboration with ALKO is transforming agriculture into a global platform, empowering young people, both women and men, to lead change. Activities in villages, such as those carried out by ALKO in collaboration with DIMITRA, are clear proof that agricultural transformation can occur anywhere and be led by anyone, including women and the younger generation in rural areas. This initiative not only improves the welfare of farmers, but also contributes to environmental preservation and sustainable agricultural development in Indonesia.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra Deforestation Demo

Introducing Dimitra’s Deforestation Compliance System! In an era where every tree counts, dive into our system! Here are some highlights of our system:

Get detailed forest analysis using satellite imagery from December 2020 to today. Dimitra detects deforestation and helps assess risks accurately.

Dimitra cross-references multiple satellite databases for reliable forest analysis reports, ensuring compliance with local laws and EUDR.

Dimitra’s mobile app allows ground data collection for quick manual reviews and dispute resolution, enhancing report accuracy.

Farmers and origin buyers can input data directly into Dimitra via the mobile app, easing analyst workload and boosting data accuracy.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra Technical Series: Yield Prediction

Yield prediction is a game-changer for farmers, governments, and cooperatives, helping them make smart decisions that can mean the difference between thriving and struggling.

Dimitra’s model offers invaluable insights into future yield trends, helping farmers optimize decisions for productivity and sustainability. Governments, NGOs, farmers cooperatives or other clients also benefit by using its forecasts for policy-making and food security, supporting farmers and stabilizing markets to ensure food availability for communities.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra Carbon

Welcome to Dimitra Carbon, a groundbreaking initiative by Dimitra to revolutionize the carbon credit market.

Dimitra Carbon takes bold action against climate change, helping farmers obtain new sources of income, while empowering companies to neutralize their emissions through projects that directly reduce or absorb greenhouse gasses. Our extensive global agricultural network guarantees transparent, trustworthy carbon offsets that deliver tangible results, and make a real difference.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra AI Applications: Land Suitability

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra Connected Coffee

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Understanding Avocado Production from Orchard to Market


Dimitra Avocado production demands careful planning and execution, and specific conditions:

  • Deep, well-drained soil rich in organic matter,
  • A pH between 5.5 and 7,
  • Subtropical or tropical climates with temperatures between 15°C to 25°C,
  • Sheltered planting locations as they are vulnerable to frost and strong winds

Planting avocado trees typically requires one of three land spacings: 6×7 meters, 5×6 meters, or 6×6 meters for optimal production and tree health. The most popular spacing in Kenya is 6×6 meters, which allows 270 trees per hectare to grow and mature fully.

Avocado trees take root and start producing fruit in as little as three years. They reach peak productivity around eight to ten years old.

Under ideal conditions as listed above, a mature avocado tree can produce a staggering 100–200 kilograms of fruit every year. With an average lifespan of 25 years, these trees can become a dependable source of income for farmers and growers, providing a steady stream of revenue for decades.


Manual harvesting of avocados typically occurs between March and September, with the exact timing varying depending on the specific variety, region, and prevailing conditions.

Avocado farmers can guarantee prime-condition fruit at stores by taking precautions to deliver ready-to-eat avocados to consumers. To ensure the quality of the delicate avocado fruit, careful handling is crucial, this means;

  1. gently plucking the fruit from the tree to avoid damage and,
  2. refrigerated in storage to slow down the ripening process.


Avocado processing generates a wide range of valuable products. Some examples are as follows:

Food: Fresh avocados are enjoyed in various dishes like guacamole, salads, and desserts. Frozen avocado pulp is a vital ingredient in the food industry, where it’s transformed into refreshing juices and decadent ice creams.

Beauty: The extracted oil is highly prized in cooking and cosmetics due to its exceptional nutritional and moisturizing properties. Both pulp and oil are key ingredients in personal care items like body lotions.


Avocado farming must prioritize sustainability, adhere to international supply chain standards, and work to protect the planet. By adopting organic fertilizers, integrated pest management, and water conservation through the Connected Farmer app, farmers can significantly reduce their environmental footprint. This responsible approach not only preserves natural resources but also ensures the well-being of agricultural workers.

Expected Productivity and Revenue

With 6×6 meter spacing in Q2 of 2024:

  • Number of trees per hectare: 270
  • Possible annual production per tree: 100 to 200 kg
  • Projected average annual revenue per tree (USD $1/kg — Minimum Price): $100 to $200
  • Projected average annual revenue per tree (USD $3/kg — Maximum Price): $300 to $600
  • Possible annual yield per hectare: 27,000 to 54,000 kg
  • Projected average annual revenue per hectare (USD $1/kg — Minimum Price): $27,000 to $54,000
  • Projected average annual revenue per hectare (USD $3/kg — Maximum Price): $81,000 to $162,000

Avocado farming can be a lucrative business that not only generates substantial profits but also prioritizes environmentally friendly practices. To achieve this, farmers must carefully consider four key factors: soil, climate, spacing, and sustainability.

By adopting these measures, avocado farmers can ensure their operations generate healthy profits and adhere to the best agricultural methods and Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. In doing so, they can contribute to a more sustainable food system, support local communities, and protect the environment for future generations.

Understanding The Avocado Production Chain: From Planting to Processing

Avocado production demands careful planning and execution, starting with the selection of prime soil and climate conditions. Avocado trees flourish in deep, well-drained soil rich in organic matter, with a pH between 5.5 and 7. They thrive in subtropical or tropical climates with temperatures between 15°C to 25°C but are vulnerable to frost and strong winds, which can devastate production.

Planting avocado trees typically involves three commonly recommended spacings: 6×7 meters, 5×6 meters, or 6×6 meters. The 6×6 meter layout is the most popular in Kenya, allowing for 270 trees per hectare and providing each tree with ample space to grow and mature fully.

Avocado trees typically begin to produce fruit in the third or fourth year after planting, with full production reaching around the eighth to tenth year. Under ideal conditions, the average annual production of a fully mature avocado tree ranges from 100 to 200 kg of fruit.

The lifespan of an avocado tree is, on average 25 years, potentially longer under optimal conditions. Harvesting is done manually, usually between March and September, depending on the variety and region. Post-harvest, the fruits must be handled carefully to avoid damage and stored in cool environments to control ripening through temperature and humidity regulation.

Avocado processing yields several primary products. Fresh avocados are consumed raw or used in recipes such as guacamole, salads, and desserts. Avocado oil, extracted from the pulp, is used in cooking and cosmetics due to its nutritional and moisturizing properties. Frozen avocado pulp is utilized in the food industry to produce juices, ice creams, and other products. Additionally, avocado oil and pulp are employed in the manufacture of creams, lotions, and other personal care items.

Sustainability is a key aspect of avocado cultivation. Sustainable practices include using organic fertilizers, integrated pest management, and water conservation. Sustainable avocado production contributes to environmental and social responsibility by promoting efficient resource use and the well-being of agricultural workers.

Expected Productivity and Revenue

For the 6 x 6 meter spacing:

  • Number of trees per hectare: 270
  • Annual production per tree at maturity: Between 100 to 200 kg
  • Annual yield per hectare: Between 27,000 to 54,000 kg
  • Average annual revenue per hectare (USD $1/kg — Minimum Price to $2/kg): Between USD $13,500 to USD $27,000
  • Average annual revenue per hectare (USD $3/kg — Maximum Price): Between USD $81,000 to USD $162,000

To summarize, the avocado production process involves selecting the right soil and climate, proper planting and spacing, and implementing sustainable practices. With stable production and favorable market prices, avocado cultivation can be a profitable venture, aligned with best agricultural practices and ESG principles.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra Carbon: A New Era in Traceable Carbon Credits

Dimitra, a global leader in agricultural technology and sustainability solutions, proudly announces the launch of its groundbreaking new product, Dimitra Carbon. This innovative carbon credit initiative aims to revolutionize the carbon market by leveraging Dimitra’s extensive network of agricultural projects across multiple countries, offering a transparent, credible, and impactful solution to carbon offsetting and reductions.

Unlocking Global Opportunities

Such as the global carbon credit market is experiencing unprecedented growth, driven by increasing environmental regulations and corporate commitments to sustainability. With an estimated market value of over $1 billion in the voluntary carbon market in 2021. And projections reaching $50 billion by 2030, the demand for high-quality carbon projects has never been higher.

Dimitra Carbon not only is poised to capitalize on a substantial opportunity by providing carbon credits. Generated from sustainable agriculture projects that mitigate the effects of climate change. These projects not only absorb carbon, but also enhance biodiversity, enrich soil quality, and support local communities.

A Trusted Partner for Sustainable Development

Dimitra has a proven track record of working with farmers across the globe. Spanning regions in South America, Africa, and Asia. This is achieved by combining cutting-edge agricultural technologies with environmentally sustainable methods. Thereby enabling farmers to boost productivity while minimizing their carbon emissions. Dimitra Carbon extends this approach, providing carbon credits that are rigorously verified, traceable, and compliant with the most stringent environmental standards.

Key Features of Dimitra Carbon:

  1. Global Reach: Dimitra’s extensive network of projects spans multiple continents, ensuring a diverse and resilient portfolio of carbon credits.
  2. Transparency and Traceability: Utilizing cutting-edge blockchain technology, Dimitra Carbon ensures that every credit is fully traceable back to its origin, providing unmatched transparency and credibility.
  3. High-Quality Credits: Each carbon credit is generated through sustainable agricultural practices, verified by stringent monitoring and reporting standards.
  4. Social and Environmental Impact: Dimitra Carbon projects deliver significant co-benefits, including improved livelihoods for farmers, enhanced biodiversity, and better soil health.

Empowering Farmers, Benefiting the Planet

“Our mission with Dimitra Carbon is to create a sustainable future by empowering farmers and offering high-quality carbon credits,” said Jon Trask, CEO of Dimitra. “We believe that by integrating technology, sustainability, and agriculture. We can make a meaningful impact on climate change and drive positive change for communities worldwide. Our dedication to this initiative underscores our commitment to environmental sustainability and supporting local farmers and crypto communities.”

Incentives for Corporate Sustainability

To further incentivize corporate participation in carbon offsetting, Dimitra offers a unique opportunity: companies seeking to minimize or eliminate their carbon footprint can purchase Dimitra Carbon credits at a 10% discount, subject to the condition that the acquisition is made using the DMTR token. The DMTR Carbon Credits are among the few in the market that are 100% traceable to the farmer level, thereby allowing companies to verify with certainty that the credits were generated and not sold multiple times. This transparency, facilitated by blockchain technology and accountability in every transaction, reinforces the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) narrative.

The purchase of carbon credits enables businesses to offset their emissions. Thus meeting their sustainability obligations and improving their environmental reputation. The deployment of the DMTR token expedites this process and provides an additional level of traceability and trust. Consistent with the highest standards of corporate governance and sustainability.

Also, one of the major bottlenecks in the carbon credit market is the traceability of credits. Companies need assurance about the origin of their carbon credits to confidently meet their ESG goals. Dimitra Carbon fulfills this requirement by offering complete traceability of carbon credits, from the farm level onwards. This unprecedented level of transparency can reduce certification costs associated with certification organizations, as the clear and verifiable data simplifies the auditing and verification processes.

“This project has been carefully planned for months,” said Diego Costa, COO of Dimitra. “We have hired a carbon program lead and our data science team studied the carbon market extensively to arrive at a competitive and differentiated product. The first projects are already underway, with the initial implementations to be in Africa, but many projects in different countries have manifested their interest in joining the DMTR Carbon project.”

Join Us in Making a Difference Dimitra Carbon

Dimitra Carbon delivers a trustworthy and effective way to offset carbon emissions. Helping corporations and governments worldwide achieve their climate goals. When businesses partner with Dimitra Carbon, they don’t just neutralize their emissions — they also promote sustainable farming and rural growth.

About Dimitra

Such as Dimitra is a global agricultural technology company dedicated to transforming agriculture through innovation and sustainability. With a focus on empowering farmers and enhancing productivity. Dimitra leverages advanced technologies to create solutions that benefit the environment and society.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra Makes Carbon Credits Market Accessible to 500M Small-scale Farmers

Key Takeaways

  • Global Agtech company Dimitra has launched Dimitra Carbon — a new initiative aimed at supplying DMTR Carbon Credits to smallholder farmers.
  • Dimitra Carbon utilizes blockchain technology to ensure that every DMTR Carbon Credit is fully traceable and verified.
  • By reducing the costs and time investment required to generate tradable, verifiable carbon credits, Dimitra Carbon empowers farmers across South America, Africa, and Asia.
  • The global carbon credit market is projected to reach $50 billion by 2030.

Global Agtech company Dimitra has launched Dimitra Carbon, an initiative that aims to democratize the carbon offset market. Dimitra Carbon will provide DMTR Carbon Credits that are rigorously verified, traceable, and compliant with stringent environmental standards.

Built on blockchain technology, Dimitra Carbon offers an unprecedented level of transparency and credibility in the carbon offset market. Each DMTR Carbon Credit is fully traceable back to its origin. Ensuring that credits are verified by stringent monitoring and reporting standards. This eliminates the risk of credits being sold multiple times, providing unmatched assurance to buyers.

Heading Dimitra Carbon Credits

One of the most transformative aspects of Dimitra Carbon is its focus on inclusivity. By leveraging blockchain, the initiative makes the carbon market accessible to approximately 500 million small-scale farmers worldwide who have been traditionally excluded due to the high costs and time investment required to generate tradable, unique, and verifiable carbon credits.

Dimitra expects this democratization to empower farmers across South America, Africa, and Asia, regions where it already collaborates with local agricultural communities.

“Our mission with Dimitra Carbon is to create a sustainable future by empowering farmers and offering high-quality carbon credits,” said Jon Trask, CEO of Dimitra.

“By integrating blockchain technology, sustainability, and agriculture, we can make a meaningful impact on climate change and drive positive transformation to communities worldwide. Our dedication to this initiative underscores our commitment to environmental sustainability and supporting local farmers and crypto communities,” Jon added.


The deployment of the DMTR token not only expedites the process of carbon credit offsetting. But also adds a layer of traceability and trust, aligning with regulatory requirements. This initiative allows businesses to reduce carbon costs through clear and verifiable data, simplifying auditing and verification processes.

To further incentivize corporate participation, Dimitra offers a 10% discount on carbon credits purchased using the DMTR token. This discount aims to encourage companies to minimize their carbon footprint. While supporting the growth of a transparent and reliable carbon credit market.

Diego Costa, COO of Dimitra, highlighted the significant potential of the carbon credit market: “The global carbon credit market is experiencing unprecedented growth, with an estimated market value of over $1 billion in the voluntary carbon market in 2021 and projections reaching $50 billion by 2030. The demand for high-quality carbon projects has never been higher.”

To meet this demand, Dimitra has appointed a carbon program lead to collaborate with its data science team. This dedicated focus on the carbon market is already attracting interest. From various countries eager to join the DMTR Carbon project.

Where the company has already begun working with local farmers to integrate sustainable agricultural practices. By combining cutting-edge agricultural technologies with environmentally sustainable methods, Dimitra is enabling farmers to boost productivity while minimizing carbon emissions.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City
