


Dimitra is featured as the cover story for American Dairymen’s October issue!

Technological advancement can play a significant role in catapulting industries to the next level and the agricultural industry is no exception. Just ask Jon Trask, CEO and founder of Dimitra, a global agtech company that helps farmers worldwide. Trask and his team believe that every farmer should benefit from simple, beautiful, and useful technology regardless of economic standing. To accomplish this, “Dimitra’s ecosystem platforms incorporate artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain technology, mobile technology, IoT devices, satellite and drone imagery, genomics, and advanced farming research,” Trask says. Data-Driven Cattle Management

Specifically, Dimitra’s data-driven precision agriculture helps farmers increase yield, reduce cost, and mitigate risk.  “Once a farmer learns to use our platform, Dimitra’s technologies provide them with actionable data and insights, enriching their economy through increased milk production, increased crop yields and healthier livestock. We focus on helping farmers, associations, ministries & governments by providing data-based and investment considerations as recommendations to help them make their business decisions.”

Dimitra, an AgTech startup company has produced two platforms, Dimitra Livestock Guru and Dimitra Connected Farmer. Which support farmers and allow them to record their farming activities, create and receive detailed dashboard reports on analytics on their specific farms.

Dimitra Livestock Guru

They have been working for two years on its Dimitra Livestock Guru Platform with government research labs focused on cattle management, to provide a full suite of features:
livestock records and performance management,
satellite based pasture analysis and management,
livestock genetics management,
intelligent feed management,
animal health records,
pharmaceutical and vaccine management,
livestock performance and
advanced dairy management module – coming in Q4 22

This fall, Dimitra is releasing a cloud-based version of the application targeted at Dairy and Beef Industries globally. Initially available on the web, Dimitra Livestock Guru is available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese (BRA), Hindi and Marathi with more languages to be added in the near future.

Pasture Management

The platform starts with setting up your farm or ranch and creating geofences to enable Dimitra’s system to begin satellite analysis of the farmers’ various pastures. Successful pasture management is critical to farmers and ranchers. Dimitra’s satellite analysis tool provides various reports such as pasture health index for example. As well as nutrient index, moisture index, time series evaluations, water stress index, and soil organic carbon measurements. These reports can help evaluate the health of pastures and provide historical records over time.

Genetics and Breeding – Data-Driven Cattle Management

The platform also tracks animal parentage using performance traits and DNA information because progeny impacts an animal’s worth. “Determining parentage and recessive carrier status is one of the benefits of genomics research, which is underutilized in many areas of the world,” Trask says. “In addition, the system is improving reproductive selection within herds to achieve higher quality and healthier livestock products.” Dimitra is providing simple, actionable methods to track animal parentage by increasing the value of each animal in the market.

The Dimitra platform is currently focused on cattle but is expanding to include new features and supported animals. Such as poultry, goats and sheep, swine, and horses to the system in future versions.

Connecting Our Data

“Dimitra Livestock Guru was developed as some of our customers saw a need to connect all of the factors associated with cattle and dairy performance in one platform,” Trask says. “There are so many tools available in the marketplace which aid a farmer but in today’s data-driven world, it is important to be able to compare genetic, performance, feed, health, drug and vaccine, with lifecycle records. Applying machine learning helps unveil relationships between these factors and take cattle management to the next level.”

In fact, by giving farmers an opportunity to understand the factors that affect an animal’s performance and how to manage their livestock better. It reduces cost, reduces negative environmental impact, and directly increases income.

How It Works – Data-Driven Cattle Management

The Dimitra Livestock Guru application has many functionalities, with a few being traceability, anti-cattle rustling, feed management, genetics and dairy. Starting with animal registration including identifying sire and dam, the platform then captures lifecycle information including health data and performance data.

According to Trask, with respect to breeding and genetics. The company then helps a farmer look at performance-related hereditary traits to make breeding decisions. That promotes further development of these traits in their herd

“We supplement this data with artificial insemination management traceability,” he says.

The Dimitra team recognizes that genetics is only one facet of managing a herd of cattle. They also evaluate how a farmer manages feed. “Creating rations that meet a farmer’s specific goals while meeting their cost management goals is important,” Trask says. “This allows us to compare feed and its impact on performance as well as its relationship to genetics.”

Lastly, Dimitra is adding an advanced dairy management module that connects milk production to other performance characteristics. This module also links to collection, quality management, and further down into the dairy supply chain.  

Dimitra understands that great livestock management, including genetic mapping, reduces disease risk and improves productive and reproductive rates. That’s why the company feels it is vital to provide farmers and livestock breeders with actionable data to help enhance performance and efficiency. Leading to increased livestock sector profitability.


As Trask explains, statistical analysis of the data gleaned from both fields can inform economic breeding indexes (EBIs). Which assess the probability of an animal passing on a single trait. In addition, effective analysis, supported by technology, can provide reliable measurements of additional factors. Such as Expected Progeny Differences (EPD) and Expected Breeding Value (EBV).

“Initially, with the platform we need to collect information, animal history, feed information and other important data,” Trask says. “Once collected, we can start making recommendations for a rancher or farmer to consider. Our objective is to enable farmers with more information and to help them make better decisions.”

Embracing Key Indicators

Dimitra works hard to partner with producers to help them understand the essential role data plays in their success. Quite simply, by collecting data records, farmers build a body of (meat and/or meat) performance and health records for each animal, identify trends in the herd, and predict issues to help make informed breeding decisions.

“Enhancing a farmer’s understanding of the factors that affect an animal’s performance and how to manage their livestock better. It reduces cost and negative environmental impact and directly increases income,” Trask says.  That is where Dimitra comes in.

The Dimitra Livestock Guru platform immediately impacts feed management and value through animal observation, track and trace, and health management.

“Data-driven insights provided by our platform shed light on problems and irregularities and provide timely alerts to farmers on how to respond to identified problems,” Trask says. “Farmers directly input their data all in one place on the Dimitra app, which is collected and analyzed to provide farmers with actionable data to make smarter and more sustainable decisions about their farming practices.”

Customers have revealed that Dimitra Livestock Guru has provided everything from helping solve traceability issues to increase value at export, to balancing feed formulations to maximize milk solids and fats and get the best dollars for a farmer products, to helping manage issues with cattle rustling and identification in Africa and other parts of the world, as well as identifying early warning signs of disease with sensors, reducing environmental impact and more.

Heading – Data-Driven Cattle Management

“The list of benefits is long,” Trask says. “Particularly over the years, genetic planning can help strengthen the herds’ health, resilience and performance.”

So, what role will technology like the Dimitra Livestock Guru play in the future of farming? Trask stresses that technology will continue to allow farms to be more profitable, efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly. Through applications like Dimitra Livestock Guru, they can apply machine learning and blockchain. With private and anonymized data from millions of head of cattle as an input to performance analysis and digitally providing recommendations to farmers globally.

“Technology is revolutionizing farming and as we expand our use of mobile technology, sensors, satellite and machine learning we will create further value and data insights for farmers,” Trask says. “If farmers can increase their yields, reduce their costs and mitigate risks, they could have a considerable influence and impact on climate change, reducing world hunger, improving food safety and security, alleviating poverty, reducing desertification and soil erosion and reducing deforestation.”

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Ocean Protocol and Dimitra announce Data Challenge Ideation Phase

We present the winners of the Ocean x Dimitra Data Challenge Ideation Phase! Ocean Protocol Dimitra

Out of a prize pool of $5000, the rewards distributed in this phase are: 1st place $1,500, 2nd place: $1,000, 3rd place: $500, Community Award: $1,000, and 5 honorable mentions: $500

Dive in: https://twitter.com/oceanprotocol/status/1564191375721398272


Subheading – Ocean Protocol Dimitra

Dimitra Incorporated is a global Agtech company with a mission to help smallholder farmers across the world. Dimitra works with governments, government agencies, NGOs, and for-profit organizations. The Dimitra platform is built on blockchain technology. And incorporates mobile technology, machine learning, IoT devices, satellite and drone imagery, genomics, and advanced farming research. Through our data driven approach, Dimitra helps farmers increase yields, reduces expenses, and mitigates risk. Dimitra believes that every smallholder farmer, regardless of economic standing, should benefit from simple, beautiful, and useful technology.

By 2050 we will need to feed 9.7 billion people. In 2021, over 1 billion people go to bed hungry everyday, in the past five years this problem is growing, not reducing. One third of the world’s population are smallholder farmers, operating subsistence level farms, typically smaller than 5 hectares and struggling to produce enough food to feed their own family.  In G20 nations, farmers have access to technology that helps them operate their farm as a commercial enterprise, greatly exceeding their own family’s needs and allowing them to supply food to hundreds of people. There is certainly a significant divide which needs to be closed.

At Dimitra we are on a mission to make our technology available to smallholder farmers globally.  We believe that every smallholder farmer, regardless of economic standing, should benefit from simple, beautiful and useful technology. Because when farmers thrive, entire economies thrive. 

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra releases new satellite reports to improve farming performance

Dimitra Incorporated, a global Agtech company on a mission to make its technology available to small farmers globally, has developed and released five satellite reports that are included within the basic Connected Farmer platform. Each report plays a pivotal role in providing farmers with actionable data to increase yield, reduce expenses and mitigate risk.

Dimitra has been developing its technology aimed at helping farmers make better decisions to improve productivity. Reduce environmental impact, store more carbon, and reduce fresh water usage while significantly increasing output.

One technology that Dimitra is using is satellite to allow for analysis and year over year comparisons. In the past year, we have established over 20 different reports that we provide to farmers. When a Dimitra farmer registers for the Connected Farmer app.

Dimitra uses current and past data from some of the most advanced and reliable satellites, mainly Sentinel 1 and 2 from the European Space Agency, to perform various types of analyses on farms, forests, soils, and vegetation in general.

Dimitra’s five basic satellite reports, described below, help farmers (farming anywhere in the world) detect the precise regions of their farms where they need to take action, such as applying fertilizers, performing irrigation at key stages of the season, spraying pesticides and herbicides and others depending on the results of the analyses. This helps farmers minimize their costs in labor and inputs as they only need to act on the precise regions where these actions are necessary.

Crop Health Index (NDVI – Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)

– describes the difference between visible and near infrared reflectance of vegetation cover. This report estimates the density of green on an area of land, which is proportional to the biomass and chlorophyll content, representing the crops’ health.

Early Crop Health Index (MSAVI – Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index)

Since MSAVI is adjusted to soil effects and is sensitive to early vegetation in the field, it works even when the earth is hardly covered with crops.

Crop Moisture Index (LSWI – Land Surface Water Index)

– detects moist levels in vegetation using a combination of near-infrared (NIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectral bands. The LSWI is a reliable indicator of water stress in crops.

Crop Nutrient Index (RECI – Red-Edge Chlorophyll Index)

And shows the photosynthetic activity of the canopy cover. RECI shows the photosynthetic activity of the canopy cover. Because chlorophyll content directly depends on nitrogen level in plants. Responsible for their green color, this vegetation index in remote sensing helps detect areas with yellow or shed foliage.

Jon Trask
Dimitra Incorporated

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra Secures $20M ‘Capital Commitment’ From GEM DIGITAL

International AgTech innovator, Dimitra, is proud to announce a $20 million capital commitment by GEM DIGITAL LIMITED. To further develop Dimitra’s platform, increase user adoption and expand the utility of the ecosystem.

This commitment from GEM Digital is instrumental in the development of Dimitra’s agricultural ecosystem. And expanding of the Connected Farmer Platform, which was released in May 2022. Accelerating the implementation of the platform to user groups under contract expands the value of the platform to ecosystem partners and accelerates its adoption around the world.

Dimitra’s CEO, Jon Trask, says, “We are proud to be working with GEM DIGITAL as a key long-term partner and are grateful for their financial commitment, supporting the long-term vision of Dimitra in becoming the “Operating System for Ag-tech. Furthermore, this GEM DIGITAL commitment allows us to instill further utility into the ecosystem. And further integrate the Dimitra token (DMTR) into the functionality of the ecosystem”.


The latest capital commitment by GEM DIGITAL will help Dimitra expand the value revealed from the data generated by the application of blockchain, satellite, sensors, drones, machine learning, artificial intelligence and genetics to the Agri-food industry.

GEM DIGITAL selected Dimitra intending to have a hand in agricultural technology that will shape the future of farming, agriculture. And have a worldwide impact on food security, food traceability, the impact of agriculture on climate change. And increase the standard of living of small farmers across the globe. Dimitra’s laser focus on agriculture technology is in line with the global need for real use cases and adoption in the blockchain industry and impending food shortages worldwide. With GEM DIGITAL’s capital commitment, Dimitra aims to further provide farmers, governments, and NGOs with the best technology and a secure environment for high volume transactions, all in one user experience via the Dimitra Connected Farmer Platform.

About Dimitra Incorporated:

Dimitra Incorporated is a global Agtech company with a mission to help smallholder farmers across the world. Dimitra works with governments, government agencies, NGOs, and for profit organizations. The Dimitra platform is built on blockchain technology and incorporates mobile technology, machine learning, IoT devices, satellite and drone imagery, genomics, and advanced farming research. Dimitra’s data-driven approach helps farmers increase yields, reduce expenses, and mitigate risk. Dimitra believes that every smallholder farmer, regardless of economic standing, should benefit from simple, beautiful, and useful technology.

The Dimitra token (DMTR) is available on several token exchanges. Including Uniswap,and other exchanges such as Kucoin, Gate, Bittrex Global, and BitMart.

GEM Digital Limited is a digital asset investment firm. Based in The Bahamas. The firm actively sources, structures and invests in utility tokens listed on over 30 CEXs and DEXs world wide.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Ocean Protocol and Dimitra launch Ideation Bounty


Ocean Protocol, the Web3 plat form to unlock data for AI and business innovation, and AgTech company Dimitra, host an agricultural data competition. Derive in sights that maximize crop yield, suggest ways to improve the data, ways to monetize it, and identify algorithms that can be used for analysis.

All valid* entries submitted will receive an award of 250 OCEAN tokens.
In each phase, the evaluation panel will award 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes, a Community Choice Award, and ten Honorable Mentions. Entry is open to all interested participants and DOES NOT require testing or training of algorithms on the data presented.
Prizes Phase 1: $5,000 USD (payable in OCEAN + DMTR)1st place: $1,500 2nd place: $1,000 3rd place: $500 Community Award: $1,000 Honorable Mentions (10x): $100
Prizes Phase 2: $10,000 USD (payable in OCEAN + DMTR)1st place: $3,000 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 Community Award: $2,000 Honorable Mentions (10x): $200

Phase 1: Ideation

Entry submission dead line: August 12, 2022
Phase 1 aims to gather ideas about how the available data sets can be utilized. Participants may use any one of the nine data sets provided to derive insights, or multiple data sets to identify correlations between them and provide aggregate insights.
Participants should submit a well documented report containing a descriptive summary of the idea and details explaining how the idea can be executed. The report shall include charts, schematics, and diagrams as supporting evidence. It shall present findings on valuable patterns and trends, and indication on how to exploit them to maximize crop yields and/or minimize risks.
Entries must be submitted through Questbook and should include links to the documents or files that contain details about the idea.

Datasets Phase 1 – Ocean Protocol and Dimitra

The datasets to be used in Phase 1 are available on the Ocean Market (links below), using the Polygon network or the ETH network. You will need to hold small amounts of MATIC or ETH tokens to cover gas fees. We encourage you to use the Polygon network and If you don’t hold MATIC. We are happy send you enough to cover gas fees if you access the following link: https://bit.ly/3cptXsd
Datasets on Polygon network:

  1. Digital Elevation Model (687.97 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-1
  2. Crop Statistics (1.02 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-2
  3. Crop Sowing Season (3.96 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-3
  4. Agriculture Information (15.81 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-4
  5. Vegetation Index (743.58 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-5
  6. Shape Files (451.55 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-6
  7. Soil Data (194.94): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-7
  8. Weather Data Monthly (2.79 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-8
  9. Weather Data Hourly (478.26 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-9

Datasets on ETH network

  1. Digital Elevation Model (687.97 MiB): https://bit.ly/3B7XvVA
  2. Crop Statistics (1.02 MiB): https://bit.ly/3cwcSg8
  3. Crop Sowing Season (3.96 MiB): https://bit.ly/3aVdxHy
  4. Agriculture Information (15.81 MiB): https://bit.ly/3olECXu
  5. Vegetation Index (743.58 MiB): https://bit.ly/3OrJapU
  6. Shape Files (451.55 MiB): https://bit.ly/3yTNU1P
  7. Soil Data (194.94): https://bit.ly/3cvCiuy
  8. Weather Data Monthly (2.79 MiB): https://bit.ly/3yZnRGw
  9. Weather Data Hourly (478.26 MiB): https://bit.ly/3crZtWw

Phase 2: Algorithms, Analytics, Narratives & Reports

Entry submission deadline: TBA at the conclusion of Phase 1
Participants who are not able to create algorithms may also create analytics. Reports and narratives by analyzing the data independently or by using the algorithms published in this phase.
Participants will receive updated information about competition requirements and links to the data available for this phase.

A panel of evaluators from Ocean and Dimitra will independently review and rank submission entries selecting 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.

Web 3 Requirements: Wallet, Network, Tokens – Ocean Protocol and Dimitra

To enter the competition and submit your entries using the Questbook platform you will need to have a Metamask wallet with the Polygon network set up. You will also need to hold a small amount of MATIC tokens to cover gas fees. If you don’t hold MATIC, we are happy send you enough to cover gas fees if you follow this link and provide your wallet information:

How to set up a Metmask wallet:https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/tutorials/metamask-setup/
How to set up the Polygon Network in your Metmask wallet:https://docs.polygon.technology/docs/develop/metamask/config-polygon-on-metamask/
You can also set the Polygon network manually in Metmask using the following settings: Network Name: Pollygon MainnetNew RPC URL: https://polygon-rpc.com/Chain ID: 137Currency Symbol: MATICBlock Explorer URL: https://polygonscan.com
How to Enter the Competition:Click Apply For Grant and use your Metamask wallet to log into Questbook. You will access complete bounty details and will be able to enter your submissions.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Join the Ocean x Dimitra #datachallenge today!

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Ocean :: Dimitra Bounty

Ocean Protocol, the Web3 platform to unlock data for AI and business innovation, and AgTech company Dimitra, host an agricultural data competition. Derive insights that maximize crop yield, suggest ways to improve the data, ways to monetize it, and identify algorithms that can be used for analysis. Ocean Dimitra Bounty

DetailsThe competition is divided into two phases, with a total prize pool of $15,000 USD payable in OCEAN + DMTR tokens. All valid* entries submitted will receive an award of 250 OCEAN tokens.
In each phase, the evaluation panel will award 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes, a Community Choice Award, and ten Honorable Mentions. Entry is open to all interested participants and DOES NOT require testing or training of algorithms on the data presented.
Prizes Phase 1: $5,000 USD (payable in OCEAN + DMTR)1st place: $1,500 2nd place: $1,000 3rd place: $500 Community Award: $1,000 Honorable Mentions (10x): $100
Prizes Phase 2: $10,000 USD (payable in OCEAN + DMTR)1st place: $3,000 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 Community Award: $2,000 Honorable Mentions (10x): $200

Phase 1: Ideation – Ocean Dimitra Bounty

Entry submission dead line: August 12, 2022
Participants may use any one of the nine data sets provided to derive in sights, or multiple data sets to identify correlations between them and provide aggregate in sights.
Participants should submit a well documented report containing a descriptive summary of the idea and details explaining how the idea can be executed. The report shall include charts, schematics, and diagrams as evidence. It shall present findings on valuable patterns and trends, and indication on how to exploit them to maximize crop yields and/or minimize risks.

Datasets Phase 1

Using the Polygon network or the ETH network. You will need to hold small amounts of MATIC or ETH tokens to cover gas fees. We encourage you to use the Polygon network and If you don’t hold MATIC. We are happy send you enough to cover gas fees if you access the following link: https://bit.ly/3cptXsd
Datasets on Polygon network:

  1. Digital Elevation Model (687.97 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-1
  2. Crop Statistics (1.02 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-2
  3. Crop Sowing Season (3.96 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-3
  4. Agriculture Information (15.81 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-4
  5. Vegetation Index (743.58 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-5
  6. Shape Files (451.55 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-6
  7. Soil Data (194.94): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-7
  8. Weather Data Monthly (2.79 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-8
  9. Weather Data Hourly (478.26 MiB): https://bit.ly/dimitra1-9

Datasets on ETH network

  1. Digital Elevation Model (687.97 MiB): https://bit.ly/3B7XvVA
  2. Crop Statistics (1.02 MiB): https://bit.ly/3cwcSg8
  3. Crop Sowing Season (3.96 MiB): https://bit.ly/3aVdxHy
  4. Agriculture Information (15.81 MiB): https://bit.ly/3olECXu
  5. Vegetation Index (743.58 MiB): https://bit.ly/3OrJapU
  6. Shape Files (451.55 MiB): https://bit.ly/3yTNU1P
  7. Soil Data (194.94): https://bit.ly/3cvCiuy
  8. Weather Data Monthly (2.79 MiB): https://bit.ly/3yZnRGw
  9. Weather Data Hourly (478.26 MiB): https://bit.ly/3crZtWw

Phase 2: Algorithms, Analytics, Narratives & Reports

Entry submission deadline: TBA at the conclusion of Phase 1
The goal of this phase is to create algorithms that can be used to analyze data that will be provided specifically for Phase 2. The newly created algorithms will be published on the Ocean Market using the Compute-To-Data feature to derive new insights, and generate narratives and reports. Participants who are not able to create algorithms may also create analytics, reports and narratives by analyzing the data independently or by using the algorithms published in this phase.
The start of Phase 2 will be announced at the conclusion of Phase 1, after Phase 1 winners are announced. Participants will receive updated information about competition requirements and links to the data available for this phase.

A panel of evaluators from Ocean and Dimitra will independently review. And rank submission entries selecting 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The evaluation panel will select ten additional entries as Honorable Mentions.

Evaluation Criteria & Scoring – Ocean Dimitra Bounty

Web 3 Requirements: Wallet, Network, Tokens

To enter the competition and submit your entries using the Questbook platform you will need to have a Metamask wallet with the Polygon network set up. You will also need to hold a small amount of MATIC tokens to cover gas fees. If you don’t hold MATIC, we are happy send you enough to cover gas fees if you follow this link and provide your wallet information.

How to Enter the Competition:

Click Apply For Grant and use your Metamask wallet to log into Questbook. You will access complete bounty details and will be able to enter your submissions.

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra is featured as a Top 10 Agtech Solutions Provider in this month’s Agriculture Business Review APAC Special Agtech Edition!

If centuries of agriculture have taught humanity anything. It is the fact that rich, bio diverse topsoil produces increased yield and increases the quality of the crop. Topsoil is considered the quintessential requirement for fruit full farming, forming the organic layer of the land composition and housing essential nutrients required for crop cultivation. Additionally, ninety-eight percent of the crops consumed grow on the upper 3 inches of topsoil. Dimitra APAC

However, in the last 100 years alone, the world has lost nearly 30 to 50 percent of its topsoil. Even across some tropical bio diversities such as southern Asia due to urbanization and sub standard agricultural practices. The integrity of the topsoil is of paramount importance to agriculturists worldwide. Which has become a global concern in the current day and age. These factors have cause soil erosion. Further degrading the quality of crops and the fertility of the land. “Due to improper soil management, productivity per acre of land diminishes,” says Jon Trask, Co-Founder and CEO of Dimitra, A data driven agriculture technology company. By ensuring efficient soil management, bolstered by healthy farming practices, Track’s business helps agriculturists thrive through precision farming. Thereby up holding the critical drivers of agriculture: Transparency, Sustainability, Traceability, and Provenance.

A Touch of Technology – Dimitra APAC

Upon engaging with a farmer, Dimitra defines the farming goals of an agriculturist, which serves as a blue print for the company’s technological deployments. “Let us look at a pepper farmer growing jalapeno peppers, for example,” begins Trask. “There are definitive soil conditions and nutrients that are conducive to growing peppers, as is with any crop in the world across any geography. Ensuring these ideal conditions is the first step to farming.” Dimitra has developed a platform that takes into account these definitive farming goals to help farmers achieve two distinct objectives.

Dimitra APAC

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


Dimitra.io is driving global sustainable agriculture with CeDeFi loans and technology designed to help farmers make better decisions.

Dimitra USAToday – Dimitra.io is driving global sustainable agriculture with CeDeFi loans and technology designed to help farmers make better decisions. Their loans provide small family farms with vital access to capital in more than 68 countries—over 100 by 2025. To support farming and trade activities, Dimitra works with millions of farmers and hundreds of loan providers. The blockchain-based app offers various services, including recordkeeping, agribusiness analysis, satellite analysis, sensor tracking and more. “Every smallholder farmer, regardless of economic status, should be able to benefit from simple, beautiful, and useful technology…because when farmers thrive, economies thrive,” said Jon Trask, CEO @dimitratech. Dimitra USAToday

Subheading – Dimitra USAToday

Dimitra USAToday – Dimitra Incorporated is a global Agtech company with a mission to help smallholder farmers across the world. Dimitra works with governments, government agencies, NGOs, and for-profit organizations. The Dimitra platform built on blockchain technology. And incorporates mobile technology, machine learning, IoT devices, satellite and drone imagery, genomics, and advanced farming research. Through our data driven approach, Dimitra helps farmers increase yields, reduces expenses, and mitigates risk. Dimitra believes that every smallholder farmer, regardless of economic standing, should benefit from simple, beautiful, and useful technology.


By 2050 we will need to feed 9.7 billion people. In 2021, over 1 billion people go to bed hungry everyday, in the past five years this problem is growing, not reducing. One third of the world’s population are smallholder farmers, operating subsistence level farms, typically smaller than 5 hectares and struggling to produce enough food to feed their own family.  In G20 nations, farmers have access to technology that helps them operate their farm as a commercial enterprise, greatly exceeding their own family’s needs and allowing them to supply food to hundreds of people. There is certainly a significant divide which needs to be closed. Dimitra USAToday

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City


5 Leaders Leveraging The Power Of Web 3 To Build The Future

5 leaders the world of technology is venturing into uncharted territory. Where a collective effort pushed online experiences into new realms of efficiency and effectiveness. Now, on the cusp of Web 3, interoperability and participatory culture are well established. Consumer demand is rising for something new.

Technology solves a lot of the world’s problems and has the potential to do so in ways that affect everyone on the globe. That’s what Web 3 is about: a boundary-less multiverse of endless possibilities. And an upgrade into new territories of human-machine cooperation.

Perhaps the best-developed component of the internet of the future comes in gaming, with entertainment happening every day in the metaverse. This is a space where many business leaders see growth potential. And those with an eye to the realities of Web 3 are already imagining what kind of business can be won. Or conducted in alternate realities.

While digital assets have been taking mainstream media by storm, “Phygital” products might be the nearer future for most of us. The value of a sweater that keeps you warm during the winter but also comes with a digital clone that gives you magical powers in a video game is a lot easier to understand than a pure JPEG.


Building a metaverse requires a balance between designers and engineers; specialists in both fields are often quite idealistic and stubborn in their own ways. To effectively bridge the two without compromising either, the leadership must emphasize on the player and game narrative rather than the business directive. While maximizing profit motivates investors, a good story motivates everybody.

This type of customer-centricity, even while understanding. And supporting the business potential in the metaverse, encapsulates the ethos of Web 3. If Web 2 paved the way to uphold the end-user. Web 3 puts that user on the throne, catering to their every need and reducing any friction in the process.

There is a predictable adoption curve for new technology, and the metaverse is no exception. But the future of blockchain as it stands today can go either way. Like the old west, today’s landscape is filled with outlaws, misfits, and uncertainty. In the hands of responsible developers, it is an opportunity to begin again, take what is broken in Web 2 and fix it through Web 3.

A word of caution, though: If left unchecked, the natural tendency for humanity to misbehave behind a wall of anonymity will destroy the frontier before it even gets a chance to mature. Nevertheless, entertainment within the metaverse as full of potential as a revenue driver for companies of all kinds. That is, if it effectively serves the end-user, and encourages transparency, solid principles of practice, and catalyzes operational excellence. 5 leaders

“Enabling Technology” for a People-Centered Web 3

We are seeing an emerging trend in which Web 3 is people-centered, a principle that competent leaders already understand. But it’s not about who is specifically good at a certain skill set. Such as having the BEST engineer or UX designer. But how each team member can multiply everyone else’s efforts by tenfold. Especially at the early stage, this team dynamic is critical for the exponential growth. Needed to escape the great filter of many failed startups. There is no room for error.

The Future of Food in the Real World – 5 leaders

In a totally different sector, some of the original parties in blockchain technology are working to solve problems in the real world with Web 3-friendly strategies. Jon Trask has been an innovator in this space for decades. And has experience of scaling businesses and applying sophisticated technology. He is bringing this acumen to a startup called Dimitra, an agriculture technology platform. Trask and his team of experts are deploying agtech tools. To support smallholder farmers around the world and are already in over 70 countries.

In this alone, Trask faces an unusual leadership dynamic: “Balancing teams of agricultural technologists with app designers and software developers has its own unique challenges. Great people are the key to success and running highly diverse teams has brought incredible value to the design and development process. We wouldn’t be as successful without diverse teams” Dimitra already has active partnerships with government agencies worldwide, which makes the diversity component mission-critical for the company.

The company is harnessing the power of blockchain to create truly useful tools that support food production around the world. “I personally look at this technique as innovating with purpose, innovating to solve a problem but having a clear vision of what outcome we are trying to achieve.” He urges other leaders working toward Web 3 with this directive, “We need to leave room for research, ideation and repetition in our discovery and development process. Balancing innovation and cost is sometimes a challenge. But we need to invest and plan for innovation in today’s Web 3 world.”

In his words, “Blockchain plays a key role in the systems and platforms of the future. Over the past few years we’ve started to uncover where blockchain fits into a developer’s toolbox and this has led to the evolving area of Web 3.”

The Power of Tomorrow Starts Today

Web 3 will be full of value from an amalgam of technologies, including machine learning, IoT, data analytics, and more. Delivering these to the end-user in a way that is so effortless. So easy, and optimally efficient is the driving force behind leading innovations in this space. Leading into the future of new online structures and experiences won’t be easy. But purposeful, passionate, mission-driven leaders are already achieving it every day. 5 leaders

Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-1/2 Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City
